Hi, I am Sebastian Muehl
I am currently a Director of Product Management for Digital Products at Rivian.
Once upon a time, shortly after Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone to the world, it arrived in Germany, where I lived, and in my friends’ possession. Which he presented to me full of pride and excitement.
I distinctly remember the exact moment I got to hold and interact with it for the first time. This moment changed my life.
Every day, I thought about the possibilities and opportunities this could enable and that I had to get involved somehow.
Then one day, I read Michael Lewis’ “The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story”. The book portraits James H. Clark, one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the earlier days of Silicon Valley.
With the desire to work in tech and be in Silicon Valley peaking in me, I bought a one-way ticket to San Francisco, and never looked back.
It's been wild. And if you are interested, I have many many stories to share. Some of them in my email or on this site.
I've been in Silicon Valley for 12+ years now and I built digital products and platforms from concept to market. Developed and delivered uncountable roadmaps, go-to-market strategies and grew teams around strategic company objectives. I have done this in early-stage startups, large scale and hyper-growth companies.
I hold patents in the fields of connected vehicles and communication UI design.
At Stanford University, I am an adjunct lecturer for Advanced Product Design.
People have referred to me as a Duracell Energy Bunny, but I can't find any resemblance.
I write about what I learn from building products, product strategies, growing businesses and growing my mind. My writing spans technology, business strategy, (e)mobility, connected vehicles, and startup work culture.