Before you start working on a new product, you need to understand what product success will look like.

Let's focus on a product that you expect someone to use.

It seems so clear but it can't be stated enough. In the heat of discussing solutions with your team, this can take a backseat.

When the creative juices are flowing, you all are getting excited about what you could build. Take a break and focus on the main question:

What problem are we solving for the user?

You all need to agree what problem we are solving. If one on your team questions the assumptions you are making, hear them out.

If you don't think you have enough information, send out (another) survey.

If you need more granular feedback, go deeper with user interviews.

Do everything you can to know the problem.

You want to emphasize as much as you can with your user and the problem they face.

Only when this is done you will have permission to move on to question 2:

How can we solve this problem for our user?